@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00005703, author = {中道, 莉央 and Nakamichi, Rio}, issue = {17}, journal = {研究紀要 = Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College, Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to investigate a 20-year-old woman wheelchair basketball player’s awareness of her competitive activities and daily life, as a woman with a disability and student-athlete. For this purpose, data were collected from interviews and athletic activity diaries in June and July 2019. The main results are as follows: she feels(1)conflicted about participating in both the men’s and women’s teams and(2)burdened by having to meet her own expenses for competitive activities. It was also found it was her emotional attachment with those with same disabilities that was driving her to face these predicaments. Thus, it is necessary to provide opportunities for women athletes with disabilities to interact each other, regardless of age or types of competitions. That is, through their daily activities such as trainings and competitions, they tend to recognize understanding each other’s feelings and building bonds play an important role in motivating themselves to continue their own activities. Accordingly, it was suggested that the strengthening of mutual ties amongst the communities could lead to self-help group activities for empowerment.}, pages = {65--77}, title = {女性車いすバスケットボール選手の生活観 :学生アスリートの語りから}, year = {2020}, yomi = {ナカミチ, リオ} }