@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003066, author = {武内, 孝祐 and Takeuchi, Kosuke and 中嶋, 杏菜 and Nakajima, Anna and 小松, 猛 and Komatsu, Takeshi and 佃, 文子 and Tsukuda, Fumiko}, issue = {14}, journal = {研究紀要 = Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of hip joint flexibility and the strength of the gluteus muscles on the onset of lower back pain. A total of 218 college athletes who did not have lower back pain participated in the study. The range of motion (ROM) of the trunk, hip, and ankle joints was measured and a tightness test in the hip joint was performed to assess flexibility. The peak torque of the maximum voluntary isometric contraction in hip extension and hip abduction was measured in order to assess isometric muscle strength. One month after the assessments, the onset of lower back pain was investigated. The subjects were divided into two groups: subjects with onset of lower back pain (LBP, n = 19) and without it (n-LBP, n = 198). The results showed that the laterality of the internal and external rotation ROM of the hip joint was significantly higher in the LBP group than in the n-LBP group (p <0.05). The peak torque of the hip abduction was significantly lower in the LBP group compared with the n-LBP group. It is possible that the onset of lower back pain was caused by the laterality of the hip rotation ROM and weakness of the gluteus medius muscle.}, pages = {29--36}, title = {股関節の柔軟性と殿筋筋力が大学スポーツ選手の腰痛発症に及ぼす影響 : 前向き調査}, year = {2017}, yomi = {タケウチ, コウスケ and ナカジマ, アンナ and コマツ, タケシ and ツクダ, フミコ} }