@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003052, author = {金森, 雅夫 and Kanamori, Masao and 土肥, 紗綾 and Dohi, Saaya and Jugovic, Steve and Jugovic, Steve}, issue = {13}, journal = {研究紀要 = Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {Mar}, note = {Recent papers have been published on the importance of NEAT(Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) such as Standing time during work and at home. These articles established a focus for the evaluation of the outcomes of the association between physical activities and Non-Communicable Diseases by systematic review from 2011. The results are that several cohort studies find the positive relationship between NEAT and the death rate with a few studies showing no significant relationship. We discuss these the epidemiological results.}, pages = {51--58}, title = {生活習慣病予防のためNEATの効果についての文献学的レビュー}, year = {2016}, yomi = {カナモリ, マサオ and ドヒ, サアヤ and ユゴビッチ, スティーブ} }