@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003029, author = {宮尾, 夏姫 and 三木, ひろみ}, issue = {12}, journal = {研究紀要 = Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {Mar}, note = {There are very few elementary school teachers specialized in physical education. For the purpose of clarifying the characteristics of elementary school teachers who should be supported to teach PE, we conducted a questionnaire survey asking 102 elementary school teachers about their attitude towards PE, state of implementation and difficulties of teaching PE. The findings showed that the teachers who felt not good at teaching PE were not characterized by age and years of teaching experience and they had a positive attitude towards exercise and physical education, and perceived the importance of PE and knowledge about PE classes more than those who were not certain if they were good at PE. As the previous study mentioned, female teachers tended to feel not good at PE and had less positive attitude towards physical activity than male teachers. There were weak but significant correlations found between the frequency of implementation of some educational activities necessary during PE classes and the difficulty perceived by the teachers. It was concluded that teachers who have less concerns about PE and are not sure if they are good at PE should also be encouraged and supported. It was suggested that clarifying educational activities teachers perceived difficult during a PE class and explaining the importance of the educational activities to the teachers are important to support the teachers to teach qualifies PE classes.}, pages = {37--47}, title = {小学校教師の体育授業実践に対する支援の検討 : 実践状況と指導上の困難さに着目して}, year = {2015}, yomi = {ミヤオ, ナツキ and ミキ, ヒロミ} }