@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00003011, author = {高柳, 真人 and 藤生, 英行}, issue = {11}, journal = {研究紀要 = Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {Mar}, note = {The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between social behavior of shy teachers and evaluation by students for their performance as teachers. The survey was conducted with 403 college students, and made use of 121 (30.0%) answers with full responses by 139 (34.5%) students who met shy teachers in their school days. Behavior based on confused emotions, such as awkward conversations and nonverbal behavior, and restrained behavior, such as avoiding social interactions and instruction, were found as characteristic social behavior of shy teachers. About 40% of students regarded they did not perform their role, while about 40% of students regarded they did. The main reason that brought about such differences seemed to be caused by restrained behavior. Behavior based on confused emotions such as “undertone” and “awkward” related to the evaluation that they did not perform their role, while such behaviors as “inarticulate speech”, “mistakes in speaking”, “fast speaking” and “blushing” related to the evaluation that they adequately performed their role.}, pages = {41--53}, title = {シャイな教師の対人行動と教職遂行の関連について}, year = {2014}, yomi = {タカヤナギ, マサト and フジウ, ヒデユキ} }