@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002922, author = {新宅, 幸憲 and Shintaku, Yukinori}, issue = {8}, journal = {研究紀要 = Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {Mar}, note = {With reference to Regional research case study ─ I:Targeting Seniors and Regional research case study─Ⅱ:Targeting Children. The effects of physical exercise through sports were analyzed. In research case study I, seniors who incorporated physical exercise into their lifestyle routines were instructed to exercise for 90 minutes/day. As a result there was an improvement in the distance of change in the center of balance when standing(an index for physical stability);that is, an increase in the static equilibrium function. These improvements are an indication of improved reaction and increased muscular strength. In other words, the subjects’ standing posture improved as a result of physical exercise, and the subjects were able to “stand more firmly.” In this way, we have discovered the value of “health” which everyone desires.  Meanwhile, in the case of children with outstanding flexibility, children with strong athletic performance in one-leg-standing, hopping, and repetitive side jumping were seen as having a shorter distance of change in the center of balance when standing. This suggests that in children with a strong ability to stand on one foot for a long time and children with strong dynamic balance capabilities, physical exercise developed neuromuscular functions, and promoted stretch reactions when standing, kinesthetic sense information, and calf triceps muscle functions. This is expected to tie into a strong awareness of posture education, in terms of “standing firmly.” At the same time, we believe that the subjects came one step closer to the value of“ physical strength” in the context of growth and development. One method for increasing health and physical strength among seniors and children can be summarized as follows: 1.A guide who is familiar with the subjects is present 2.A manager who works for everyone’s benefit is present 3.There is a place where everyone can come together in an environment that is like a club}, pages = {11--17}, title = {スポーツをとおした地域貢献 : 高齢者と幼児の立位姿勢に着目して}, year = {2010}, yomi = {シンタク, ユキノリ} }