@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002878, author = {柴田, 俊和 and Shibata, Toshikazu and 古川, 雅里子 and Furukawa, Mariko}, issue = {6}, journal = {研究紀要 = Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {Mar}, note = {At Biwako Seikei Sports College, about 70% students wrestle with student acquire a teaching profession license every year. The purpose of this study is to get a document for examination to improve class contents and a method of the teacher training at the college by catching the actual condition of the the learning and the transformation of a self-evaluation result of the this college students receiving in the student teaching. 1. The actual situation of the learning in the student teaching I performed inventory survey of the freedom description type like the following to get the document for catching the actual condition of the learning of students in the student teaching. (1) What did you think to learn in the Student-Teaching? (2) What did you notice by an on-site class? (3) What did you understand through the Student-Teaching? (4) What is the problem of the study after the Student-Teaching training? (5) What is it to have helped the Student-Teaching training in the learning at the college? (6) What is it to want to study by the class of the college beforehand? (7) What is it to tell an impression through the whole student teaching for a third grader? The following became clear, the students could feel and think and learn much things that they cannot experience in the class at the college by the experience of the student teaching. 2. About the transformation of a self-evaluation result in the student teaching The self-evaluation papers for the student teaching were distributed to students at the time of guidance before the student teaching. I added up an evaluation result collected after student teaching and made it a document of the consideration. I think to continue the examination of the curriculum to improve the problem that became clear with this study and pointed out in training schools.}, pages = {157--173}, title = {教育実習における学生の学びと自己評価の現状及び課題}, year = {2009}, yomi = {シバタ, トシカズ and フルカワ, マリコ} }