@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002800, author = {松岡, 宏高 and 佐藤, 馨 and Sato, Kei}, issue = {2}, journal = {研究紀要 = Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {Mar}, note = {In addition to education and research, presently colleges and universities are required to contribute to the local community. Biwako Seikei Sport College is also expected to support sport promotion in Shiga-town as well as Shiga-prefecture. The college started a sport project for the local community in July of 2003. In the academic year of 2003, in excess of 200 people living in the local community used the college sport facilities. The present research report introduces the survey results of college sport facility users. The survey was conducted on 144 facility users. The recovery ratio was 56.9%. The survey research contains the state of sport participation, needs in relation to the sport facility, and needs for Biwako Seikei Sport College to contribute sport promotion in their local community.}, pages = {159--170}, title = {大学スポーツ施設利用者のスポーツ活動状況とニーズ}, year = {2005}, yomi = {マツオカ, ヒロカタ and サトウ, ケイ} }