@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:00002780, author = {藤井, 英嘉 and Fujii, Hideyoshi}, issue = {1}, journal = {研究紀要 = Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {Mar}, note = {For the first time in Japan a university using the term“sport”for a college name, held its entrance ceremony on April 3, 2003 and started the first step with 237 students. The names of college, faculty and department, in compliance with Monbukagaku-sho are as follows: college name is“Biwako Seikei Sport College (BSSC)”, faculty name is“Faculty of Sport Study”, department‘s names are“Department of Lifelong Sport”and“Department of Athletics”. These titles are the naming of this educational organization which are based on “Sport study”(or Sportwissenschaft, Sport science) as an academic backbone. Now the first edition of our college bulletin is being published, so I hope to report my thoughts for an outline of Sport Study and to receive comments from various sources inside and outside of school as one of the individuals in charge of establishing this college. The term“Sport-gaku”in Japanese (known as Sport Study in English) hasn’t received wide recognition yet, but it is used in various means by many specialists and common people. For the following reasons; the term“Taiiku-gaku”(known as physical education sciences or physical culture sciences),“Taiiku-kagaku”(same as Taiikugaku)“Sport-kagaku”(Sport Science),“Undo-kagaku”(Physical Activity Sciences),“Kenko-kagaku”(Health Sciences) and so on, are generally used as the terms for physical education and sport. “Nihon Taiiku Gakkai”or“Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences” held its first research meeting in 1949, soon after World War II, so the term“Taiiku-gaku”is familiar to many Japanese, but whether this term has been appreciated by the majority or not, remains to be seen. Then the following terms“Taiiku-kagaku”(Physical Education Sciences),“Sport-kagaku” (Sport Sciences),“Undo-kagaku”(Physical Activity Sciences),“Kenko-kagaku”(Health Sciences) and so on, were used and established themselves as academic terms. In the nineteen-seventies,“Sports for All”and in the nineteen-eighties,“Lifelong Sport” were emphasized and many research themes for physical education and sport were changing to have the naming of“Sport”. At that time various academic societies of physical education and sport were established, adopting a name of“Sport”independently from each section of the Japan Society of Physical Education, Health and Sport Sciences. Examples of these include“Society of Sport History”,“Society of Sport Sociology”, “Society of Sport Psychology”and“Society of Sport Pedagogy”. On the other hand the university of physical education and the faculty of physical education had to undertake educational reform. Therefore changing the name of the universities and faculties were indispensable factors. In 1997“Taiikudaigaku Kyougikai”(University Conference of Physical Education, Health and Sport) established“Daigakumondai Kento-iinkai”(Investigation Committee of University Affairs, with T. Asami as its chairman) and started to try to investigate these affairs. Then this committee developed into“Taiikukagaku Kento Tokubetsu-iinkai”(Special Investigation Committee of Physical Education Sciences). In 1999 this committee reported“Chukan-hokoku” (an interim report). In the process of this investigation some universities of physical education changed the names of their faculties, for example from“Faculty of Physical Education”to“Faculty of Sport Science”or to“Faculty of Sport and Health Science”. Besides these organizational approaches, the interest in the term“Sport”was also raised among individual researchers for physical education and sport. Recently professor Masahiro Inagaki of Nippon Taiiku University has often referred to the term“Sport Study”in his numerous publications about sport theory. And in 1997 a booklet titled“Sport-gaku no Mikata” (A point of view to Sport Study) was published by Asahi News paper Company. In this booklet Professor Tsuneo Sogawa of Waseda University claimed to have broken the wall of “Academic taboo”with a title“Invitation to Sport Study”and with a headline“Play and Pastime made blossoms bloom with Academism”. In this context our college was named “Sport College”and“Faculty of Sport Study”. Thus, the aim of this paper is to do research on various meanings of the term, by surveying the term“Sport study”. To make it easier for people to understand, I decided upon the following three subjects; first “Sport-gaku Izen”(Sport Study before) second“Sport-gaku no Ima”(Sport Study at present) and the third“Sport-gaku no Tenbo”(Perspective of the term“Sport Study”) for getting status in the future.}, pages = {7--28}, title = {「スポーツ学」考 : ターミノロジー(術語学)の視点}, year = {2004}, yomi = {フジイ, ヒデヨシ} }