@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000007, author = {林, 弘典 and Hayashi, Hironori and 横山, 喬之 and Yokoyama, Takayuki and 田中, 勤 and Tanaka, Tsutomu and 石川, 美久 and Ishikawa, Yoshihisa and 生田, 秀和 and Shoda, Hidekazu}, issue = {21}, journal = {研究紀要, Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {2024-03-15, 2024-05-20}, note = {The purpose of this study was to verify how well high-school judo club members understood Judo MIND and how much they felt their ability had improved. A questionnaire was administered to 154 high-school judo club members to evaluate their understanding of Judo MIND and the extent to which they had improved their ability in Judo MIND. The results revealed the following:   1. 60-70% of the participants did not understand“ M,”“ I,”“ N,” and“ D.”   2. Regarding their ability in Judo MIND, high-school students felt that their ability in“ M” had improved more than their ability in “N” and in “D.” The high-school students also felt that their“ I” ability had improved more than their“ D” ability.  The above findings highlight the need to fully explain the meaning of “I,” “N,” and “D,” in particular, in order to spread the ethos of Judo MIND among future high-school students.}, pages = {69--75}, title = {高校生における柔道MINDの理解度と能力向上に関する調査}, year = {}, yomi = {ハヤシ, ヒロノリ and ヨコヤマ, タカユキ and タナカ, ツトム and イシカワ, ヨシヒサ and ショウダ, ヒデカズ} }