@article{oai:biwako-seikei.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000004, author = {林, 弘典 and Hayashi, Hironori and 石川, 美久 and Ishikawa, Yoshihisa and 生田, 秀和 and Shoda, Hidekazu}, issue = {21}, journal = {研究紀要, Bulletin of Biwako Seikei Sport College}, month = {2024-03-15, 2024-05-20}, note = {This study clarified the reasons university students who experienced judo classes in junior high or high school liked and disliked the content and method of teaching judo at that time. The subjects were university students in the faculties of physical education, education, and sports in the Kansai area who had experienced judo classes as aforementioned. The results revealed the following. 1. Randori was the most popular judo lesson (70 students, 33.3%). The main reason was that it was fun to freely attack and defend against opponents using the techniques they had learned (53 students, 76.8%). 2. Ukemi was the most common reason given for disliking judo (49 students, 36.6%). The main reason was that it was not fun (24 students, 49.0%). 3. The learners were most satisfied with the teachers’ judo instructional methods because they provided clear examples (36 students, 22.1%), and they were most dissatisfied with the lack of step-by-step instruction (11 students, 25.6%). 4. Most learners (74-87%) were satisfied overall with their judo classes in junior or high school.  It was suggested that it is important to have flexible ideas and to work to improve the content of learning and unsatisfactory teaching methods in judo. In addition, better judo classes should be constructed by paying attention to what learners disliked and were not satisfied with.}, pages = {37--48}, title = {中学校・高校で柔道授業を経験した学習者が感じた学習内容・指導方法・満足度について}, year = {}, yomi = {ハヤシ, ヒロノリ and イシカワ, ヨシヒサ and ショウダ, ヒデカズ} }